-- tripbookmarks 테이블 생성 및 기본 키 설정
create table
"tripbookmarks" (
"bookmark_id" uuid not null unique,
"bookmark_created_at" timestamp with time zone not null,
"bookmark_trip_id" uuid not null,
"bookmark_buddy_id" uuid not null
alter table "tripbookmarks"
add primary key ("bookmark_id");
-- payments 테이블 생성 및 기본 키 설정
create table
"payments" (
"payment_id" uuid not null unique,
"payment_buddy_id" uuid not null,
"payment_totalAmount" numeric not null,
"payment_currency" text not null,
"payment_status" text not null,
"payment_approved_at" timestamp with time zone not null
alter table "payments"
add primary key ("payment_id");
-- storylikes 테이블 생성 및 기본 키 설정
create table
"storylikes" (
"storylikes_id" uuid not null unique,
"storylikes_created_at" timestamp with time zone not null,
"storylikes_story_id" uuid not null,
"storylikes_buddy_id" uuid not null
alter table "storylikes"
add primary key ("storylikes_id");
-- contract 테이블 생성 및 기본 키 설정
create table
"contract" (
"contract_id" uuid not null unique,
"contract_created_at" timestamp with time zone not null,
"contract_trip_id" uuid not null,
"contract_buddy_id" uuid not null,
"contract_start_date" timestamp with time zone not null,
"contract_end_date" timestamp with time zone not null,
"contract_isPending" boolean not null,
"contract_isLeader" boolean not null,
"contract_isValidate" boolean not null,
"contract_validate_date" timestamp with time zone not null
alter table "contract"
add primary key ("contract_id");
-- buddies 테이블 생성 및 기본 키 설정
create table
"buddies" (
"buddy_id" uuid not null unique,
"buddy_created_at" timestamp with time zone not null,
"buddy_nickname" text not null unique,
"buddy_email" text not null unique,
"buddy_temperature" float (53) not null,
"buddy_isPro" boolean not null,
"buddy_isOnBoarding" boolean not null,
"buddy_following_counts" integer not null,
"buddy_follower_counts" integer not null,
"buddy_sex" text,
"buddy_birth" timestamp with time zone,
"buddy_preferred_theme1" text,
"buddy_preferred_theme2" text,
"buddy_preferred_theme3" text,
"buddy_preferred_buddy1" text,
"buddy_preferred_buddy2" text,
"buddy_preferred_buddy3" text,
"buddy_mbti" text,
"buddy_region" text,
"buddy_introduction" text,
"buddy_login_id" text unique,
"buddy_profile_pic" text
alter table "buddies"
add primary key ("buddy_id");
-- stories 테이블 생성 및 기본 키 설정
create table
"stories" (
"story_id" uuid not null unique,
"story_created_at" timestamp with time zone not null,
"story_created_by" uuid not null,
"story_media" text not null,
"story_overlay" jsonb not null,
"story_likes_counts" integer not null
alter table "stories"
add primary key ("story_id");
-- follow 테이블 생성 및 기본 키 설정
create table
"follow" (
"follow_id" uuid not null unique,
"follow_created_at" timestamp with time zone not null,
"follow_following_id" uuid not null,
"follow_follower_id" uuid not null
alter table "follow"
add primary key ("follow_id");
-- trips 테이블 생성 및 기본 키 설정
create table
"trips" (
"trip_id" uuid not null unique,
"trip_created_at" timestamp with time zone not null,
"trip_title" text not null,
"trip_content" text not null,
"trip_master_id" uuid not null,
"trip_max_buddies_counts" integer not null,
"trip_start_date" timestamp with time zone not null,
"trip_end_date" timestamp with time zone not null,
"trip_final_destination" text not null,
"trip_meet_location" text not null,
"trip_theme1" text not null,
"trip_theme2" text not null,
"trip_theme3" text not null,
"trip_wanted_buddies1" text not null,
"trip_wanted_buddies2" text not null,
"trip_wanted_buddies3" text not null,
"trip_wanted_sex" text not null,
"trip_start_age" integer not null,
"trip_end_age" integer not null,
"trip_thumbnail" text not null,
"trip_isValidate" boolean not null
alter table "trips"
add primary key ("trip_id");
-- follow 테이블의 follow_follower_id 컬럼을 buddies 테이블의 buddy_id 컬럼과 외래 키 설정
alter table "follow"
add constraint "follow_follow_follower_id_foreign" foreign key ("follow_follower_id") references "buddies" ("buddy_id");
-- follow 테이블의 follow_following_id 컬럼을 buddies 테이블의 buddy_id 컬럼과 외래 키 설정
alter table "follow"
add constraint "follow_follow_following_id_foreign" foreign key ("follow_following_id") references "buddies" ("buddy_id");
-- payments 테이블의 payment_buddy_id 컬럼을 buddies 테이블의 buddy_id 컬럼과 외래 키 설정
alter table "payments"
add constraint "payments_payment_buddy_id_foreign" foreign key ("payment_buddy_id") references "buddies" ("buddy_id");
-- trips 테이블의 trip_id 컬럼을 contract 테이블의 contract_id 컬럼과 외래 키 설정
alter table "trips"
add constraint "trips_trip_id_foreign" foreign key ("trip_id") references "contract" ("contract_id");
-- storylikes 테이블의 storylikes_story_id 컬럼을 stories 테이블의 story_id 컬럼과 외래 키 설정
alter table "storylikes"
add constraint "storylikes_storylikes_story_id_foreign" foreign key ("storylikes_story_id") references "stories" ("story_id");
-- storylikes 테이블의 storylikes_buddy_id 컬럼을 buddies 테이블의 buddy_id 컬럼과 외래 키 설정
alter table "storylikes"
add constraint "storylikes_storylikes_buddy_id_foreign" foreign key ("storylikes_buddy_id") references "buddies" ("buddy_id");
-- tripbookmarks 테이블의 bookmark_buddy_id 컬럼을 buddies 테이블의 buddy_id 컬럼과 외래 키 설정
alter table "tripbookmarks"
add constraint "tripbookmarks_bookmark_buddy_id_foreign" foreign key ("bookmark_buddy_id") references "buddies" ("buddy_id");
-- tripbookmarks 테이블의 bookmark_trip_id 컬럼을 trips 테이블의 trip_id 컬럼과 외래 키 설정
alter table "tripbookmarks"
add constraint "tripbookmarks_bookmark_trip_id_foreign" foreign key ("bookmark_trip_id") references "trips" ("trip_id");
-- stories 테이블의 story_created_by 컬럼을 buddies 테이블의 buddy_id 컬럼과 외래 키 설정
alter table "stories"
add constraint "stories_story_created_by_foreign" foreign key ("story_created_by") references "buddies" ("buddy_id");
-- contract 테이블의 contract_trip_id 컬럼을 trips 테이블의 trip_id 컬럼과 외래 키 설정
alter table "contract"
add constraint "contract_contract_trip_id_foreign" foreign key ("contract_trip_id") references "trips" ("trip_id");
-- contract 테이블의 contract_buddy_id 컬럼을 buddies 테이블의 buddy_id 컬럼과 외래 키 설정
alter table "contract"
add constraint "contract_contract_buddy_id_foreign" foreign key ("contract_buddy_id") references "buddies" ("buddy_id");
- 실제 사용했던 코드라 코드는 길다.
- 잘 작동한다.
- 한계
- supabase postgreSQL로 위 코드를 생성하면 nullable 설정과 uique설정은 잘 되지만, 외래키 설정에 문제가 있는 것 같다. 문법에는 오류가 없으나 이는 테스트 해봐야 함.
- cascade 설정 안 됨